

  • PhD candidate G. Christofoletti (starting date 1.10.2024) on the topic of “Social isolation, language and cognitive decline and ageing migrants”

  • EMPRA supervisor - a research focused-practical at the University of Luxembourg whereby a group of Ba-level students conducts their own projects mentored by a supervisor

  • Master theses on various topics including psychotherapy and culture


  1. Introduction to the R universe - Beyond data analysis
  • Bio: You might know R from data analysis. But, R can do much more than that for you!
  • Type: Series of workshops for doctoral students
  • Period: SoSe 2024 +
  • Institution: University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  1. Introduction to R for quantitative social sciences
  • Bio: Coverse the basics needed to start using R for quantitative research
  • Type: Online-workshop part of the GESIS training program
  • Period: 02.02.2022 - 04.02.2022
  • Institution: GESIS Leibniz Institute for Social Sciences, Germany


  1. Vielfalt der Altersbildern und deren Auswirkung [Diversity of old age images and outcomes]
  • Bio: A brief intro into psychological theories of old age images as well as cross-cultural themes
  • Type: Online-course; Guest-contribution in eGeneral Studies: Diversity-Kompetenzen
  • Period: WiSe 2020/21
  • Institution: University of Bremen, Bremen, Germany
  1. Heterogenität des Alterns aus psychologischer Perspektive [Heterogeneity of ageing from a psychological perspective]
  • Bio: A discussion on the diversity dimensions of ageing (eg, due to sexual orientation, gender, cultural background) Addresses central theories in developmental, social and cross-cultural psychology
  • Type: Seminar
  • Period: SoSe 2019; WiSe 2018/19
  • Institution: University of Vechta, Vechta, Germany
  • Syllabus: here.
  1. Psychologische Forschung zu Altersbildern-Entstehung und Folgen [Psychological research to old age images: Causes and outcomes]
  • Bio: Discusses social, developmental, and cultural factors that contribute to the emergence of old age stereotype Addresses the impact on well-being, health, and functionality
  • Type: Seminar
  • Period: WiSe 2019/20; 2018/19
  • Institution: University of Vechta, Vechta, Germany
  • Syllabus: here.


  1. Deskriptive und inferenzielle Statistik [Descriptive and inferential statistics]
  • Bio: Provides the basics in statistical lingua
  • Type: Seminar in the Master of Gerontology
  • Period: WiSe 2024-25 +
  • Institution: University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
  1. Psychological network systems
  • Bio: Introduces psychological network analysis and trains the required programming in R
  • Type: Seminar in Master of Psychological Assessment.
  • Period: WiSe 2024-25 +
  • Institution: University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

General topics

  1. Current debates in group processes and intergroup relations
  • Bio: Discusses key theories in social psychology and gives an introduction to appraoches to solving conflicts
  • Type: Course; Co-taught with Prof. Christopher J. Cohrs & Dr. Regina Arant (ne Kühl)
  • Period: WiSe 2017/18
  • Institution: Jacobs University Bremen, Bremen, Germany

Practical skills

  1. Introduction to reading and understanding research articles in Psychology (and Social Sciences)
  • Bio: Provides an overview of the scientific jargon and tips on efficiently extracting the relevant content
  • Type: Seminar.
  • Period: WiSe 2019/20; SoSe 2018;2019.
  • Institution: University of Vechta, Vechta, DE.
  • Syllabus: here.

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