
Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Lifespan Developmental Psychology (adult development with a focus on technology and/ or digitalization) at University of Luxembourg.

Research interests

Ageing, culture, and digital technology. Particular focus on ageing migrants.


Member in the ALLBUS team (German General Social Survey) at GESIS - Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in Mannheim, Germany. Here, I acquired invaluable expertise into managing large scale surveys in addition to developing an interest in programming for the social sciences using R. My direct supervisor was Oshrat Hochman, PhD.

At the University of Vechta in Germany, I developed my research agenda on migration and ageing. Prof. Dr. Maria Pavlova was my direct employer.

My PhD studies were at Bremen International School of Social Sciences (BIGSSS). The doctoral title was conferred by University of Bremen and Jacobs University Bremen (now Constructor University Bremen).

I studied Sociology at the Bachelor level in Bucharest, Romania. I hold a Master’s degree in Social Psychology from University of Groningen, the Netherlands.

I speak Romanian, English and German fluently.

I practice Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu since 2021.

I am a stroke survivor.


Email: adrian.stanciu[at]uni.lu

Note: I will not consider nor respond to unsolicited work inquiries, traineeship and any form of collaboration that involves financial efforts on my part or the institution I represent. For all such collaborations, only applications and requests via the official channels will be considered.