

  1. Stanciu, A. (2024). Psychology or psychologies of ageing and migration. Presentation at EMPRA congress. University of Luxembourg.

  2. Stanciu, A. (2024). Digital technology for healthy ageing in migrant older populations: Toward a theoretical framework. PHT colloquium. University of Twente, the Netherlands.


Inactivity due to long-term illness.


  1. Stanciu, A. (2022). Tradition and change in measuring values in general omnibus surveys. Presentation at 26th International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology, online conference. slides

  2. Stanciu, A. & ALLBUS team. (2022). Value measurement in ALLBUS: Between innovation and replication. Presentation in the GESIS online talk series “Meet the Experts. slides. A video recording of this presentation is available on YouTube via this link.

  3. Stanciu, A., Witte, EH., & Zenker, F. (2022). On theory construction in psychology: How to measure the empirical adequacy of a theoretical construct. Presentation at Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Cologne, Germany. slides

  4. Zenker, F., Witte, EH, & Stanciu, A. (2022). Interpreting published effect sizes in behavioral science: On the role of the error-theory in evaluating the amount of effect. Presentation at Conference of Experimental Psychologists, Cologne, Germany.


  1. Stanciu, A., Witte, EH., & Zenker, F. (2021). Meta-analysis 2.0: Parameter estimation by means of selective aggregation. Poster presentation at the 15th Conference of the Section “Methods and Evaluation” in the German Psychological Society (DGPs). poster

  2. Stanciu, A. (2021). Can we and should we study value development in adulthood in the right theory but with the wrong instruments? Presentation as part of the invited symposium Value preferences and their development across the lifespan (Organizer: Klaus Boehnke) at the International Congress of Psychology 2020+ (online), Prague, Czech Republic. slides

  3. Stanciu, A. (2021). Values as justification and suppression motives to old age ageism: An analysis across countries. Presentation at the International Congress of Psychology 2020+ (online), Prague, Czech Republic. slides

  4. Zhang, X., Kulich, S., Zhao, F., English., Stanciu, A. (2021). Perceived stereotypes and adaptation in bilateral cultural-distanced social interaction. Presentation at the International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2020+ (online), Prague, Czech Republic. (contact first author for slides)

  5. Stanciu, A. (2021). Value systems and ageism: Findings from egalitarian and hierarchical cultures. Poster presented at the International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2020+ (online), Prague, Czech Republic. poster

  6. Stanciu, A. (2021). Stereotype accommodation concerning older people (and well-being of immigrants). Presentation at the International Congress of Cross-Cultural Psychology 2020+ (online), Prague, Czech Republic. slides

  7. Stanciu, A., Witte, EH., & Zenker, F. (2021). The similarity index (ISIM). A simple deductive measure to evaluate the empirical adequacy of a theoretical construct. Virtual Seminar at Center for Social and Cultural Psychology (online), Free University of Bruxelles. slides

  8. Stanciu, A., Witte, EH., & Boehnke, K. (2021). Away from the fictitious middle individual in value research! Monthly webinars on culture and values (online); host Plamen Akaliyski, PhD. slides


  1. Stanciu, A. (2019). Horizontal transmission of elderly stereotypes from native population to immigrants: A multi-theory exploration across 29 countries. Presentation at the 4th ESS Conference, Mannheim, Germany. slides

  2. Witte, EH., Stanciu, A., & Boehnke, K. (2019). The Distribution Approach and The Averaging Approach: A Tale of Two Methodologies Meant to Measure Value Preferences at the Culture Level. Presentation at the 4th ESS Conference, Mannheim, Germany. slides


  1. Stanciu, A. (2018). A new empirical approach to inter-cultural comparisons of value preferences based on Schwartz’s theory. Presentation at the ICS SPARC Group Seminar, Lisbon, Portugal. slides

  2. Stanciu, A., Witte, EH., & Boehnke, K. (2018). A new empirical approach to inter-cultural comparisons of value preferences based on Schwartz’s theory. Presentation at the 51st Congress of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), Frankfurt am Main, Germany. slides

  3. Stanciu, A., Smallenbroek, O., Arant, R., & Boehnke, K. (2018). Value development trajectories and political engagement in mid-adulthood: Evidence from a three-decade longitudinal study of peace movement sympathizers and activists. Presentation at the Conflict Research Society (CRS) Annual Conference, Birmingham, UK. slides

  4. Stanciu, A., Witte, EH., & Boehnke, K. (2018). Introducing the ‘distribution approach’ as an alternative methodology to empirically arrive at value priorities at the culture level. Presentation at the IACCP International Congress, Guelph, Canada. slides

  5. Stanciu, A. (2018). On how a combination of the Social Network Paradigm and focus group interviews can provide insights into ‘cultural fluidity’. Poster presentation at the IACCP International Congress, Guelph, Canada. poster


  1. Stanciu, A. (2017). Overall and Contextually-Bound Well-Being: A Suggestion of Life Satisfaction as Different Facets of Well-Being. Presentation at the IACCP Regional Congress, Warsaw, Poland. slides

  2. Stanciu, A. (2017). Under-Represented Ethnic and Cultural Groups from the Eastern European Context. A Research Incubator for Young Academics, IACCP Regional Congress, Warsaw, Poland. (Organized symposium). slides


  1. Stanciu, A., Vauclair, CM., Koc, Y., Miconi, D., Farcas, D., Kisliogly, R., & Rodda, N. (2016). Four Dimensions of Stereotypes: Evidence from Romania and a Seven-Culture Test of Structure Reliability. Presentation at the IACCP International Congress, Nagoya, Japan. slides

  2. Stanciu, A. (2016). Stereotype Based Faultlines: The effects of a Stereotypically-Consistent Composition of Groups on Inter-Group Relations. Presentation at the ICP Congress, Yokohama, Japan. slides

  3. Stanciu, A. (2016). Adaptation of Personal Stereotypes to Cultural Stereotypes: Research Suggestions and Initial Evidence. Presentation at Diaspora Conference on Research and Graduate Education in Romania, Timisoara, Romania. slides

  4. Irem, U., Alper, S., Kemmelmeier, M.,…Stanciu, A.…Quero, B. (2016). The Position But Not the Omission of Pronouns Influences Self-Construal. Presentation at the 17th Annual Conventiaon of Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Sand Diego, USA.


  1. Stanciu, A. (2015). When Stereotypes Acculturate. Cognitive Adaptation Patterns of Romanian Migrants in Four European Countries. Presentation at the IAIR international Congress, Bergen, Norway. slides


  1. Stanciu, A. (2014). Have You Heard of the Maneliști? An Incursion Into the Cultural Stereotypes of Romanians. Presentation at the IACCP International Congress, Reims, France. slides

  2. Stanciu, A. (2014). Introducing the Integrative Model of Stereotype Acculturation (tIMoSA): A Complementary Psychological and Sociological Perspective About the Stereotypes Held by Migrants. Presentation at the IACCP International Congress, Reims, France. slides

  3. Stanciu, A. (2014). The Roles of Culture and Migration in Shaping and Re-shaping the Content of Stereotypes. Presentation at the 28th EFPSA Congress, Baile Felix, Romania. slides

  4. Stanciu, A. (2014). From Pieces To the Whole Using Structural Equation Modelling: The Case of Scale Construction for Measuring Stereotype Content In the Romanian Cultural Context. Presentation at SocLife Spring Workshop on Statistics, Cologne, Germany. slides

  5. Stanciu, A. (2014). The Integrative Model of Stereotype Acculturation. A joint Psychological and Sociological Perspective About the Changes in Stereotypes Held by Migrants. Presentation at MIGREMUS Colloquium on International and Spatial Mobility, Bremen, Germany. slides


  1. Stanciu, A. (2013). When Stereotypes Acculturate: The Integrative Model of Stereotype Acculturation. Presentation at SoDoc-2013 PhD Workshop, Cologne, Germany. slides

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