Research agenda

If I were to summarize in one sentence my current agenda, this would be it:

Adequate theory from adequate data informs adequate interventions, policy making, and digital technology that accommodate the healthcare needs and life experiences of older migrant populations

Ageing migrants

I work on integrating the ageing and migration literature for a longitudinal and comparative study of the life experience and healthcare needs of populations of ageing migrants.

Together with colleagues from the University of Twente (the Netherlands), I aim to uncover multidimensional determinants to adoption, use, and effectiveness of digital tools for healthy ageing in migrant populations. Registration and study protocol will soon be available online.

Together with a dedicated interdisciplinary team at the University of Luxembourg and Luxembourg Health Institute, I set to establish a panel data infrastructure targeting ageing migrants in Luxembourg. We are now working on acquiring third-party funding for the project.

This line of work draws primarily on my background in acculturation and ageing research (e.g., open access Stanciu, 2021, open access Stanciu, 2022) and my expertise in managing and conducting large scale surveys (in print book Hochman, Stanciu, & Hadjar, 2024 (Eds.)).


Of primary interest is the question whether values develop throughout the lifespan. Together with an international team, of which Dr. Oscar Smallenbroek has the central role, I use country representative longitudinal data to examine socio-economic determinants to value development in adulthood.

Our work has been published (see Smallenbroek, Stanciu, Arant, & Boehnke, 2023; open access at PloS ONE) and is under-review at internationally renowned outlets.

Subsequently, we are aiming to promote the longitudinal examination of value development through adequate theory-driven reinterpretation of secondary data (see preprint: Smallenbroek, Leijen, Stanciu, van Herk, & Bardi, 2024)


I partnered with the ITLAS Group for E-mental health, lead by Asst. Prof. Alejandro Domínguez-Rodríguez, to examine socio-cultural determinants to mental health in Latin America. We analyse and report data collected through online intervention platforms that the ITLAS group develops (e.g., DueloCovid).

Further collaborations on topics of health are in development.


In addition to these current and main lines of work, I also research on adoption of cryptocurrency (see e.g. Stanciu et al. 2023) and explore new methodological avenues (see e.g. Witte, Stanciu, & Zenker, 2022).

Moreover, a dear project to me is to promote the use of R beyond data analysis in the community of researchers in Psychology and Social Sciences. I am working on a primer paper on using shiny-apps in enhancing resarch communication.

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